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I Should Have Known Better - Dennis Ledbetter
“I Should Have Known Better” is the latest single from stone cold country singer Dennis Ledbetter, co-written with Terry Lynn Welborn. It is a call as to what will happen if you are ignoring the red flags in a relationship. For those who have been missing authentic country music, it’s here in spades, complete with wailing steel guitars, Honky Tonk piano, screaming fiddles, hard-edged electric guitars with a slightly distorted edge, and all the other musical fixings necessary for this country diner menu of love stories and heartbreak that range from rock bottom loneliness and cheating songs to memories of a time when things were good. If you miss the heart and soul of real country music in voices like George Jones, Merle Haggard, Johnny Paycheck, and Hank, Jr., you're going to love Dennis Ledbetter. A Louisiana native and a lifelong student of country music (the real stuff), Dennis Ledbetter brings a fresh, but achingly familiar voice to the stage and radio airways. His classic instrumental arrangements and vocal style harken back to country music of the 1970s and 80s when the genre still had its trademark twang and was damn proud of it. He's spent years onstage at Honky Tonks and clubs in the South, honing his craft and earning the tears and smiles that are reflected in his authentic voice. Country radio has been kind to Dennis Ledbetter's music. Nineteen of Dennis Ledbetter’s songs have gone to #1 on the independent radio charts. Good songs and stories the ones that leap through the lines of music to touch your heart with characters that seem as real as the friends and family you interact with everyday aren't portrayed effectively in shallow, bro-country ditties with a five-note vocal range. The kind of country songs that Ledbetter writes and sings are the ones that can be a little tough to get through without tearing up because they're so incredibly sad and true-to-life. As a country singer and a songwriter, Dennis opens a vein and lets true life stories and emotions flow. The simple, yet poignant lyrics, the singers unapologetically, stone cold country vocals, and the steely glint of blue eyes that peer out from beneath the wide brim of a real cowboy hat. These things consistently and completely grab listeners by the heart and pull them into a song. Website: Facebook: Instagram: Spotify: Label: Saint and Sinners Records TRT: 3:15 ISRC: QZWKY2400001 Song IPI# BMI# 69160292 Songwriters: Dennis Ledbetter / Terry Lynn Welborn Songwriters’ IPI#: BMI# 0050683782 / ASCAP# 127200615 Publisher: Saint and Sinner Publishing / Backscratcher Publishing Publisher IPI#: BMI# 00815171163 / ASCAP# 338836725
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03.10.2025 (2 days ago)
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