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The Evolution Of The Trophies Yesterday And Today

The Evolution Of The Trophies Yesterday And Today

When you hear the word trophy, you quickly picturize it as a traditional cup shape Chalice Trophies. However, it is much more than you think. Thanks to technological advancement and the discovery of new materials, trophies today are made of various shapes and sizes. Therefore, they are not just a rewarding item but primarily a branding option used by companies. 

You must be having several questions related to trophies. I want to share some light on some of those.

What do trophies represent?

·         Trophies can represent anything; besides a cup or a thematic trophy. For instance, you achieve something that you have been trying for years. You can call that achievement a trophy for yourself.

For what purpose are trophies used?

·         The trophies can be an item awarded for achievement, glory, victory, or skills. It can be a souvenir, memento, cup, or any piece that marks a moment of success. In sports, the trophies are awarded to the winners and sometimes to the participants as well. In the medieval ages, arms and some valuables from wars were used as trophies to reward the glory. In short, an award is a symbol of success.


Types of trophies for Employee Recognition?

·         With the ever-increasing demand and industrial revolution, it has become challenging for companies to make an employee stay for a longer extended period in the organization. For this, the Employee Recognition Programs are designed and executed to motivate employees. The sole purpose of the recognition programs is to yield more productivity and make employees believe in the organization. 

·         The employee recognition programs include giveaways like perks, gift vouchers, shoutouts, and many more. But companies these days also have trophies as a part of the recognition program. These trophies are made specific to the purpose and event. In this way, the companies grab the opportunity for branding their business.

·         I am now coming to the question. What are the types of trophies for employee recognition? So, as discussed earlier, the employee recognition trophies are made precisely to match the purpose of awarding. The types of awards in employee recognition programs are Long Service Awards, Sales Achievement Awards, Milestone Awards, Impactful Performer Awards, Best Employee of The Month, etc. The list is endless. 

With the need for making trophies as per the event’s purpose, it has become a task for the trophy manufacturers to develop the best design and then manufacture them accordingly. However, only the best trophy manufacturers can execute the artwork and the manufacturing process successfully. It is also astonishing to see the techniques they use for making the trophy ideas into a reality.  

Most companies prefer to buy trophies online. But it isn’t easy to find one suiting your purpose. So if you are putting in so much effort in planning the recognition program, it is advisable to make a trophy rather than buying a readymade one.

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