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We Are The Catalyst "Don't You Worry Child"
The “Don’t You Worry Child” video is a kick straight to the heart of the viewer that will be felt in the pit of the stomach and tug on the heart strings of viewers far and wide. The video begins with a sincere address by none other than Jerry Springer, asking viewers to show their support for “Don’t You Worry Child,” as all proceeds from the single will go to The Fostering Network and helping children in need find loving homes. A sweet and innocent blonde girl is at the heart of this story, which begins with her in an abusive household with a mother who is incapable of showing her maternal side and a father who is physically abusive to both mother, daughter, and the baby in the house. She is soon taken out of the dangerous situation and placed in a foster home. This is where she is faced with a new set of challenges. Even though she is safe, she is suffering the ill effects of an abusive upbringing, and the separation from her baby brother, whom she had sworn to protect. As is common in these situations she lashes out at her foster parents and pushes the limits, either in a plea for attention or simply exhibiting anger at the hand she has been dealt. It’s no small task for the foster family and just when the girl is convinced that she will be moved onto her next home they surprise her by doubling down on their love and conviction of giving her a better life. It’s a real tear jerker of clip, but the message is a hopeful one and a reminder that we should do our best to always care for our most vulnerable.
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04.07.2015 (3646 days ago)
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