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The Dead Daisies "With You And I"
"With You & I" touches on all the current issues happening on our planet. It addresses many controversial subjects such as Refugees, Religious Conflicts, Wars, Climate Change and Corruption in our society. The video features footage from some of the biggest tragedies and recent failings of the human race starting with the 9/11 terror attacks melding into wars in the Middle East, global warming, famine and the recent migration of refugees from war torn Syria. The underlining message of the video is a positive one however, if we want to make the world a better place it is possible, but it starts "With You & I”. The Dead Daisies new single "With You & I" was released in Europe today. The thought provoking video premiered across Europe on some of the most influential music websites. The video and the message behind it transcends music...
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10.28.2015 (3442 days ago)
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