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Space Apaches "Desert Life"
Space Apaches like to do things a little bit unconventional. Instead of being pigeonholed into one genre and limiting themselves to the expectations that go along with it, their mantra is create that makes you feel good! Perhaps due to the fact that their primary objective is recording, this group of talented studio musicians are able to easily hop between styles and genres. Whether it be a classic rock feel, “spaced out” country, or even a gothic rendition of “Ghost Riders In The Sky,” there are few challenges they present themselves that they cannot tackle. It’s appropriate that we’re bringing three Space Apaches for you to chew on, so you can get a true feel for the diversity of this group. "Desert Life" is a song that is possibly the most free formed and outside the box Space Apaches song yet. The song is a slow burn but keeps a restrained energy at the forefront throughout. Visually, it's also the most daring of the three. It begins using a pseudo-animation to turn some of the most mundane activities in life into something compelling, like siting at home watching TV. But when the action jumps inside the TV it just gets more and more obscure and hallucinegenic.
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09.28.2015 (3472 days ago)
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