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Robot Garden "Fountain Of Youth"
Robot Garden was born when a couple of musicians from Buenos Aires, Argentina grew tired of the local scene and decided to make music for the globalized age. With their new video for “Fountain of Youth” they’ve not only achieved a global reach, but appropriately enough, also crafted a timeless song of true brilliance. Why Robot Garden? Because it isn’t just about the music. They like themselves some catchy tunes, well-crafted songs, and sugary melodies, but they want to say more than “I love you and I love drugs.” They want to share what they really think. Robot Garden is the synthesis of their beliefs: that the world will find true beauty and peace when we reconcile our origins with our projections. We have to find the balance between nature and technology, between our inner and outer world. They strive to reflect this in their music and videos. “Fountain of Youth” is a perfect video encapsulation of the past vs. the future. Based on the lyric “You have to go to the end of the world to find out where you’re from”, it applies nautical symbolism to intergalactic travel to deal with issues of nostalgia, loss of innocence, and golden age thinking. It will bring you back to a time of less bits and a little bit more imagination. The animated video is presented on a classic 4×3 aspect ratio for full effect. Fans of early 80′s animation will jump all over this, with it’s neon colors on a black background and minimalist presentation. But don’t let the lack of pixels fool you, the video is still a mesmerizing presentation of a journey running through various planes of time and space.
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09.18.2015 (3482 days ago)
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