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Rebecca Perl "Ordinary"
Born and Raised in the tropical paradise we call Long Island, NY, a child of the eighties and nineties, Rebecca announced to her family at age 13 that she would be a singer songwriter when she grew up. That's when she decided to pick up the guitar. The pop music radio of the late '90s carried a heavy dose of acoustic pop music, and Rebecca gravitated to that sound. Rebecca moved to Austin, Texas in September 2014 and has recently completed her second studio album, "Point Of No Return" marking a major event in Rebecca's life as a songwriter and performer, leaving it all behind to start anew in the music-rich city of Austin, TX. Aside from being the Live Music Capital of The World, Rebecca could hardly resist the plethora of delicious food trucks and the quirky atmosphere of Austin. She's gladly here to stay.
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11.30.2015 (3373 days ago)
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