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Logan P. McCoy "Black Morning"
Logan P. McCoy presents the official video for his dark and enigmatic song "Black Morning". It's off his "Strength and Character" EP, available now Lyrics: Refrain - Birdie, "Lucky" Logan P. McCoy Black and misty morning It's a black morning Black and misty morning Black morning Black and misty morning Black morning Black and misty morning Black morning Verse 1 - "Lucky" Logan P. McCoy I went to bed a boy, but I woke up a man I'm not the same today, Cause I woke up the man I feel it something has changed, This feeling is strange Half of me died in a dream He is buried in me, in the spaces between This new half is God being me True and Living I was born to be I was born in a dream I will die in a dream I will return in your dreams I will eternally dream Refrain Verse 2 - "Lucky" Logan P. McCoy A humid summer night, I'm in my room alone I'm finally decided, man I'm moving along Staring at the bottle, Can't believe it's half gone And a half-ounce of weed, I'm really past gone I'm beyond Debating, should I leave a note or not I mean what do you say, maybe not Thinking Mother forgive me, I sin Pray that my spirit ascends when You hear of my end I feel impending doom Refrain Verse 3 -- "Lucky" Logan P. McCoy I checked to make sure; Yep that's the one in the chamber Strange but I was sure, That's Christ is his manger I took another swig, No chasers took a hit Then put the spliff in the tray Just to let it sit I was mesmerized watching the smoke rise I thought to myself, That's how my soul will rise I'm so cold inside So I reach for some heat To push my brains aside
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01.22.2015 (3699 days ago)
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