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Last Giant "Captain My Captain"
Though the band is a sonic crusher, don’t think they lack a sense of humor! For the “Captain My Captain” video, they take the D.A.R.E. theme that many of us remember from our youth and turn it on its head! Of course, drug use is no laughing matter. But when you replace drugs with, say, condiments, then it is a whole other story! The video focuses on bassist Adam Shultz in a hot dog suit (you heard that right) while he goes through his day putting all of his might into resisting the urge to shower himself with the intoxicating sins of ketchup, mustard, mayo, and even some relish to help take the edge off. He is regularly reminded by his local police (renamed C.A.R.E. for the video) and of course, his savior, Jesus Christ. Despite their best efforts, the temptation to imbibe is strong and there’s only so much one man can take! Check it out to see just how far this spiral can go and who might get taken along for the ride with him!
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05.27.2015 (3596 days ago)
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