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Good Friends are Hard to Find - Jimmy White - New Video from Jimmy White - If you love animals, you need to see this video. His name was Smoke, but I often called him Smokerboy. I didn't want a cat, in fact I was pretty annoyed when my wife brought him home that October evening in 1983. I only liked dogs, I said, and big dogs at that. I held this tiny 6 week old kitten in my hands for the first time, and had no idea what to do with him, so I put him down, maybe even a little roughly I am ashamed to say, and went upstairs to watch TV. I fell asleep, and when I woke up, there he was firmly attached to my beard, a half circle outlining my chin, fast asleep. I was amused, and a little surprised, and peeled him off and placed him on a blanket, this time gently. I went to bed. I woke the next morning and felt something a bit odd on my head. I reached my hand to my head and there he was, attached to my hair, fast asleep. There began my love affair with cats, and with this cat in particular. Smoke was one of those once in a lifetime, unique animals, but I didn't know because I had never had a cat before. A few years later, My wife and I split up and she couldn't take him at all, even for visits, where she moved. He was all mine. A few months later, I began my own business and was working out of my house full time. Smoke was my full time, and only, companion. In 1991, he developed diabetes and I began giving him 2 insulin shots a day for the next 4 and a half years. Caring for him this way brought my <b>...</b>
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09.13.2012 (4545 days ago)
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